Just thought I'd share a few things from this past week. 1st the card I made for my brother and his wife for their 18th anniversary. Congratulations Randy & Theresa.

Then there is my breakfast breakthrough yesterday before going to work. :) I eat oatmeal granola with almonds and raisins but thought I'd add some 'fresh' fruit that I had just frozen the day before.
So I put the blueberries and strawberries chunks in a cup and pour my milk over them....figure this would make the milk extra cold and thaw out the fruit. So this is what I get.

Then I was sweeping today and realized our couch pieces did not have felt floor protectors on them so I proceeded to turn them over (with the help of my dear hubby) and low and behold....this fell out. It's a specialized license plate that I received for Christmas in 2008 and thought it got thrown out with the Christmas garbage. Guess I haven't been cleaning too thoroughly the last couple of years.

And last but not least, I saved two baby Mockingbirds who fell out of their nest in a storm that came through on Thursday. I was at work and when I came out one was on the windshield of my truck. Poor thing didn't have hardly any feathers, so I picked him up, crawled into the back of my truck and up on the top and placed him back in the nest. I also straightened the nest up since it was tipping to one side. Another baby was still there. When I got back down I realized there may be more so looked around and found another on the ground so I did the same thing and put him back in the nest too. By this time Mom & Dad Mockingbird were getting a little testy so I left. Hopefully they fixed that nest so it won't fall out with the slightest breeze.