(I also worked all day Thursday, cleaning the weeds out of all my flower beds)
Then Friday, worked all day and went out to eat and then to buy food and stuff to serve at my Close To My Heart Open House on Saturday.

Worked Saturday morning, got off at 11:30 and rushed home to prepare everything. I am very grateful for a loving daughter who came home on Friday to help me clean house and prepare for it. Without her help I would have been a basket case :) Also stayed up until 12:30 Friday night getting everything ready to display but, also because Brad had to go to work at 1 a.m. so didn't want to wake him too early since he was trying to get some much needed rest.
So, 2-4 pm had friends come check out the newest edition of Close To My Heart Idea Book and make a card and eat some snacks. Had a really great time. Then tried to clean it all up before 6 when our son, Zach and his wife Leslie were coming to take us out to dinner. It will be our 30th Anniversary on the 2nd and they wanted to help us celebrate a little early.
Little did we know that Jocelyn and Zach & Leslie had planned a Surprise party for us. Jocelyn was already waiting at the restaurant along with 51 friends and relatives. I've said it many times since then but, let me tell you, I never knew that many people could keep a secret. We had absolutely NO CLUE. It was a wonderful meal (at Italian Gardens) with some wonderful people and we are very very thankful to call you all friends.

Jocelyn has the rest of the pictures so maybe she'll post them on her blog.
Gotta go get ready for another week. Take care.
How awesome is that??? 51 people??? I'm not sure we even KNOW 51 people! HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! You have been SO busy lately. How do you keep it all straight? Whatever you're doing, keep it up. Seems to be working for you!!! :) Love ya!