I'm sitting here trying to think if I've actually done anything worth writing about this past week......No :) Had most of the mornings off all week and still didn't get my house cleaned or laundry done but, did pull a few weeds from the flower beds and made a birthday card and our Mother's Day cards. Fixed Brad a Chocolate Pie with Cool Whip topping for his birthday plus homemade tacos with all the fixin's for his special dinner. Worked Sat morning, came home mowed the grass and pulled more weeds (they grow so much faster than the flowers), then went to our Mother/Daughter Banquet with my Mom (Brad and the other men from church cooked the meal and served it and cleaned up. Plus they sang to us also). Then had lunch at Mom's today, (sandwiches so no one had to cook) and cut some limbs at her house...didn't pull any of her weeds though. Now to rest up for the coming week...should be interesting.

The men singing

Mom & Kelly
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