Can't believe I haven't put anything on here since August. :) Time has a way of disappearing sometimes. We had a wonderful Christmas and have been very blessed this year.
Brad's parents came out to visit last month and we took them to see some of Arkansas countryside in Spring. We were thankful there were no bad storm while they were here. I also got to celebrate another birthday, while they were here.
This is Zachery, Dorothy, Sherrill and Jocelyn at Mt Magazine. The other is Jocelyn and Zachery when we ate lunch. And the 1st one....the pictures are not going in where I want them...is of my birthday present. Brad hired a landscaping crew to come out and pull all the weeds and grass out of the flower beds, trim the shrubs and put down mulch. It looked and looks gorgeous. Best birthday present you could want :) I'll wait until next week (or month) to post more. Gotta go dig in the dirt.
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